Workplace Fire Safety Tips

Colorado workplace fire safety is our number one concern at Frontier Fire. That's why we put together a list of workplace fire safety tips. We hope these tips improve workplace safety and generate fire safety awareness in Colorado.

It's essential to prepare your workplace for any situation. Fire safety is important because if not properly followed, it could lead to a life or death situation. Often times fires in the workplace result in injury, loss of jobs, pricey renovations or death.

According to OSHA, fires/explosions kill 200 and injure over 5,000 people in the workplace each year. These fires can cost the workplace over $2.3 billion in property damage. Generally a fire in the workplace is due to defective gas lines, poor pipefitting, improperly stored flammable material or open flames.

Workplace Fire Safety Tips:

Evacuation Strategy. Always prepare for emergency situations. It's important to have an evacuation strategy in case of a fire. It's also crucial to note where the closest exits are located in relation to your office.

Safety Drills. Run through fire drills at least twice a year. Employees need to know what to do in an emergency situation. Practice can assure a safer response if there is an emergency.

No Smoking/Designated Smoking Area. Make sure to note where there are no smoking/designated smoking areas. This will reduce the risk of potential fires and help maintain the safety of the building.

Smoke Alarm & Sprinkler Installation. It's a necessity to have a working smoke alarm and sprinkler system in every building. Be sure to also test your smoke alarms often to ensure they work.

Maintain Machinery. Check all the equipment in the building often to make sure they are working properly. This includes any electrical machines that could overheat and cause a fire.

Equipment Accessibility. All fire related panels and equipment should be easily accessible. Make sure the area near the panels is clear so that employees can shut off the power if needed.

Fire Extinguisher. Check the gauges on your fire extinguishers. You want to make sure the extinguishers are fully charged and easily accessible. Also be sure to test them and train employees how to properly use them.

Look Out for Electrical Hazards. It's important to make note of any electrical hazards. If you discover any issues, contact an authorized repairman immediately. Malfunctioning electrical equipment is a leading factor to fires in the workplace.

Safely Store HazMats. Be sure to properly dispose of hazardous waste such as oil, chemicals or other flammable materials. Store them in a metal container and empty the container regularly.

Know What to Do if You're Trapped. If you are in an emergency situation and can't get out of the office due to a fire, don't panic. In addition, the best thing to do is stay far away from the fire, seal all cracks in the room and yell for help out a window.

Frontier Fire:

Frontier Fire can help you with all your fire safety needs in Colorado. We work to ensure your workplace runs safely so we can decrease the number of fires that occur every year. For more on fire alarm/sprinkler installations or other services, please contact us.
