
Workplace Fire Safety Quiz: The Five Questions That Measure Preparedness

Are you prepared for any fire-related situation in the workplace? If you're unsure then now is the perfect time to run through our workplace fire safety quiz. Being prepared can help alleviate panic and dangerous situations if a fire does occur. Our test below is designed to generate fire safety…
fire sprinkler

Why Fire Sprinkler Systems Are Important?

As everyone knows, many commercial buildings are equipped with professional sprinkler systems. In fact, most cities and states mandate that structures of a certain construction type or specific types of business must, by law, have a sprinkler system installed. Currently Colorado has no statewide building code, but local jurisdictions may…
fire detection systems

Common Reasons Denver Fire Detection Systems Fail

There are a few factors that could cause your fire detection systems to fail. Because Denver fire alarm systems are our specialty, we are experts at helping local facility managers avoid the common pitfalls that lead to serious fire safety issues. If your fire detection system fails, it could endanger…